History – since 1852 the connection was an expensive taste for gold and with whose of the same market. The town was established with the challenging aspects of the big gold rush.
The first diggers-apparently went to absurd lengths to get the gold out of hills behind the town. Later the more traditional occupations of tunnels and mining invoking of nineteenth century state-of-the-art mining procedure and competence to recover decisive pay-dirt by the truck load.

ID:115318-03192 新西兰COROMANDLE 图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
Today just the ghosts of miners remain and the town occupying the status of fishing and tourist. The town however still stylistic of past purity for most buildings remain – restored. Town is capable of com-modifying anything that can be associated with tourism without fading into insignificance. Visitors note – the sense of sincere and authentic about the town.
For tourist this area is escapable experience, stalked by uncertainty at what you shall find within this productive landscape. The total area is well worth the visit for an 3 days tour.(CCN传媒图片网 谢涛)
(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)